Travelling Circus

Travelling Circus

It’s showtime! Let’s move in a fun and active way. 

Target: Counselors
Members: Everyone
Type of tool: Activities
Ages: 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-12 years, 13 and Over
Group size: One group, More than one group, Whole camp
Physical activity


Say goodbye to lining up to move around! To make your movements more fun and get your campers moving more, here’s a quick and simple activity idea to encourage active transitions between your activities. 

We suggest highlighting various motor skills while stimulating the interest and creativity of each campers by creating a human parade float! 


1- Choose a theme with your group. For example, tell your campers that a group of magicians needs their help to power a magic machine. They have to move in different ways to transmit their energy to the machine. For inspiration, you can refer to the Basic Motor Skills.

2- Provide guidance to ensure that all the campers are included.

3- Give your campers time to prepare. You can even give them enough time to do crafts or create costumes related to the theme.

4- Try out the means of movement chosen to ensure a fun and effective transition.

This activity can be done whenever you like, or you can integrate it weekly to observe progress. 


The Travelling Circus activity lets you include all the campers, practice various basic motor skills through a theme chosen with their counselors, increase the time spent developing motor skills at camp, better manage of the group, and prolonge de fun, even when in movement. This helps improve their coordination and proprioception, as well as develop their listening skills. 

Tips and tricks

To start, choose a theme with your campers to engage them in the activity and create a machine their way. In your preparation, remember to focus on their strengths to promote inclusion. 

You can gradually add challenges so that the campers can discover and experiment new skills. For example, vary the speed, styles, or movement.

Required material


Let’s have a chat!

Here are some topics to discuss with campers before, during, and after the activity. Ask them questions to see what they have learned/retained. 

  1. Did you enjoy moving this way instead of walking in a line up? 
  2. Do you prefer moving during your transitions? 
  3. How did you feel? 
  4. Did you like today’s theme? 
  5. Do you have any suggestions for next time? 

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