Delicious Misfits

Delicious Misfits

Create an advertisement about imperfect fruits and vegetables with your campers to encourage them to adopt more sustainable consumption.

Target: Counselors
Time frame: 30 to 60 minutes
Members: Everyone
Type of tool: Activities
Ages: 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-12 years, 13 and Over
Group size: One group
Healthy eating


Would you like to talk about food waste with your group? Do they like to draw and are creative? Delicious Misfits is an interesting activity to introduce your group to fruits and vegetables of different shapes and colors and encourage more sustainable eating.

Start by introducing the activity. If you have younger campers, you can tell them about the story of your friend the farmer (see PDF). If they are older, bring out the marketing aspect related to imperfect fruits and vegetables (see PDF). Emphasize the significant amount of food waste generated by these imperfect fruits and vegetables. Explain that just because they are different doesn’t mean they’re not just as good.

Next, provide the kids with the drawing cards available in the appendix.



This drawing activity stimulates the campers’ creativity and helps develop their fine motor skills. It raises awareness about food waste and encourages the campers to adopt more sustainable consumption practices.

Tips and Tricks

Take this opportunity to discuss local food! The fruits and vegetables from the drawing cards are grown in Canada. If some finish faster than others, give them a different card. When everyone has finished, they can present their drawing to the rest of the group. Discuss with them the different colors and shapes found in their drawings.

It is also a good moment to talk about body diversity with your group.
The appearance of a fruit or a vegetable doesn’t change its taste, and the same applies to humans-our physical appearance doesn’t alter the fact that we are all unique and have value.

Required material

  • Sheets of paper
  • Felt pens, wax crayons, pastels or gouache
  • Scissors and glue
  • Cards for drawing fruits and vegetables (to print)
  • Images of imperfect fruits and vegetables (to print)

Let’s have a chat!

Here are subjects to discuss with your campers before and after the activity. Ask them questions to see what they learnt.

5-6 years and 7-8 years :

  • Which fruit or vegetable was the most difficult to draw?
  • Have you ever eaten or seen fruits or vegetables with unusual shapes or colours at the grocery store?
  • Do you have any recipe ideas for the fruit or vegetable that you drew?

9-12 years and 13 and Over:

  • Have you ever grown fruits or vegetables in a garden? If so, did your fruits and vegetables look like the ones you see at the grocery store?
  • Do you think that advertisements featuring fruits and vegetables with personality could encourage people to eat more of them and waste less?

Suggested variant(s)

Type of advertising :

Are your campers great actors? Ask them to create a story, a commercial sketch, a comic strip, or a response song featuring their characters.

Since this is an advertisement, they can not only draw the fruit or vegetable but also make a poster to decorate the camp walls and encourage other campers to eat imperfect fruits and vegetables.

Organize a tasting of imperfect fruits and vegetables. You can even do it blindfolded to see if the kids notice a difference in taste.

To go further :

Cook the food you have drawn using the recipe’s suggestions on each drawing card!

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