Set your sights on…Physical activity from moderate to high intensity

Set your sights on…Physical activity from moderate to high intensity

Set your sights on … is a new poster concept to print and put on your counselors’ office wall. 

Target: Counselors, Managers
Time frame: Any
Type of tool: Poster, Planification
Ages: 4 years, 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-12 years, 13 and Over
Group size: One group, More than one group, Whole camp
Physical activity

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Do you want to easily and quickly identify physical activity tools with a moderate to high intensity level? This tool is for you! 

Download the poster, print it and put on your counselors’ office wall. 

To use, it’s very simple: Scan the QR code which allows you to directly download the tool to organize the activity of your choice. 

For example, are you planning your programming for next week and are you out of ideas? Consult the poster which offers you 8 physical activities at moderate to high intensity, select one, scan the QR code which will take you to the tool to download and have fun! 


The poster Set your sights on…was developed to offer a selection of activities and games around a theme. In the counselors’ office wall, it allows teams to quickly access ideas for activities related to healthy lifestyle habits. 

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Required material(s)

  • Poster
  • A phone