All Aboard!

All Aboard!

Protect the water bottles from the sharks and pirates in this energetic game! 

Target: Counselors
Time frame: 15 to 30 minutes
Members: Everyone
Type of tool: Activities
Ages: 7-8 years, 9-12 years
Group size: One group
Healthy eating
Physical activity


Your group likes to move a lot? You are participating in the Tchin-Tchin Challenge in my Camp and are looking for activities related to water? You want your group to practice developing a strategy? 

All aboard is an activity that will help you explain the importance of water for the health and for the planet to your group by being active. 

First, find a location with a lot of room so the campers can move (gym, outside). Prepare the place by putting four boats in each corner of the area and an island in the center. You can use exercise mats, colored tape or cones. Bring your group together and introduce the activity by discussing the necessity of water and how to play.  



This activity allows the campers to be active and raises awareness about the fact that water is a precious resource that we must protect. It also reinforces the bond within a group by creating strategies in teams.  

Tips and tricks

  • Ask your group to bring their water bottle and remind them to hydrate during this active game. Explain the importance of drinking water when being active 
  • Give the sailors more water bottles to prolong playtime. You can also adjust the number of sharks and pirates if you have a larger group. 


Required material

  • Materials to designate the boats and the island (exercise mats or coloured tape or cones) 
  • Jerseys (2 different colours) 
  • Water bottles (use the ones of the campers) 

Let’s have a chat!

Here are subjects to discuss with your campers before and after the activity. Ask them questions to see what they learnt.

  • Why is it important to hydrate when active 
  • Why is it necessary to protect water? 
  • What was your favorite role in the game (pirate, shark, or sailor)? Why? 
  • Were you tired after playing this game? 



If your group is fast, change the way the campers have to move to make it more difficult (on all fours, jumping on one foot). 

Change the roles between games so they can work with different teammates.  

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