Thirsty Camels

Thirsty Camels

Did you know that camels carry water?

Target: Counselors
Time frame: 15 to 30 minutes
Members: Everyone
Type of tool: Activities
Ages: 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-12 years, 13 and Over
Group size: One group
Value: $3   Free
Healthy eating


This active game features water. Camels are water carriers and must avoid at all costs to get bitten by mosquitoes.


  • Healthy eating knowledge
  • Teamwork
  • Motor skills

Suggested variant(s)

  • Each camel starts the game carrying a bottle, and the mosquitoes try to get their bottles by stinging them. When a camel loses a bottle, it becomes a mosquito and joins that side until all the camels have been stung.
  • The mosquitoes work in teams of two (tied arms or tied feet).


Create awareness to instill in youth the habit of carrying their water bottle and drinking water frequently.

Required material(s)

  • 10 empty water bottles
  • 5 jerseys or other distinctive markers